✅разрешить, дать зелёный свет кому-либо
- The company finally has the green light to start the project.
🟢(to be) green with envy
🧟Позеленеть от злости
- I am green with envy because my cousin will go to London for a week.
🟢(to have a) green thumb
🪴иметь талант к садоводству, к выращиванию растений
- My sister has a green thumb and has a beautiful garden.
🟢the grass is always greener on the other side
🍃хорошо там, где нас нет
- My sister is always looking for a new job. For her the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
🟢green around the gills
🤢неважно выглядеть, выглядеть больным
- She looked green around the gills after the long flight to Chicago